Doug and Kristin
Dean and Tatyana
Lindsay and Kirk

Doug and Kristin were married in Portland, OR on November 2, 2024.  Doug plays guitar, keys and sings in the band.  We’re still working on Kristin.

The happy couple met in Portland and have some great stories about that whole process.  They are both music lovers and we wish them long, happy lives together as they travel to future JMC50 gigs.


Dean and Tatyana were married on August 5, 2025 in (guess where) – Las Vegas!  Dean has played lead guitar with the band since forever.

He and Tatyana met in St. Louis and, knowing Dean, we think that music played into that somehow.  We wish them much happiness and many trips to great JMC50 gigs

Kirk and Lindsay were married in Los Angeles, CA on June 17, 2023.  Lindsay is a lead vocalist for the band and Kirk plays sax and sings.

They met in Los Angeles, and both being from musical families, had an immediate common thread.  We hope they gig together happily ever after – with JMC50.

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